
Whether you’re preparing for your relocation to the Netherlands or you’re already here, starting to settle the best way you could. Having the emergency numbers on hand is key to any move, even if you’re at your destination for a short term as emergencies can happen on a whim and when you least expect it.

If the Netherlands is your end destination, then Jimble did the heavy lifting for you by compiling a list, or a directory if you will, of the most critical emergency and service numbers needed for your stay.

Tip Most of the websites we discuss below are only offered in Dutch. Our recommendation is to view them through Google Chrome so you can translate their content to your preferred language.

112 for Life-Threatening Emergencies & Accidents

For any life-threatening situation you encounter in the Netherlands, similar to the rest of Europe, the number to dial is 112. The operators of this toll-free hotline can connect you with the police, fire department, or an ambulance based on the type of emergency you’re encountering.

Can’t speak Dutch? Geen problem as the operators speak English, and can possibly help in German, and French as well.

Did you know? There’s a 112 app that we would highly recommend having on your phone while in the Netherlands for a quick and GPS-accurate access to emergency lines in life-threatening situations. Moreover, the app allows you to text with the emergency operators, and translate the texts into 109 different languages.

Emergency & Non-emergency Contacts


For non-emergency cases where you need to contact the police, you can dial 0900-8844 or file an official report through their website.Additionally, if you would like to provide anonymous information to the police regarding a crime or a suspicion of a crime,  that can also be done either through Meld Misdaad Anoniem or by calling 0800 7000.

Gas & Power Outages

Please call 0800 9009 as a general line for gas and power outages, or you can visit the national gas and electricity failure website which, based on your location, can direct you to your gas or power provider to follow up with them regarding outages in your area.

Medical, Health, & Personal Safety Services

It happens to the best and healthiest of us, you’re home on Saturday with a full weekend planned ahead and suddenly your wisdom tooth decides it longer wants to quietly sit in the back of your mouth or you feel a pain shooting down your spine out of the blue. For those unfortunate cases, continue reading.

Emergency Medical Services

If your medical state doesn’t require requesting an ambulance through 112 or visiting the hospital’s emergency department directly, always check with your existing GP for listed emergency services, or what’s called “huisartsenpost” in the Netherlands.
If you call your GP’s line after hours, chances are their recording machine will recommend either 112 for emergencies or an assigned huisartsenpost for after-hours help, and that’s who you should be visiting for urgent but non-emergency medical services on a Saturday evening for example. You can also look for the nearest available huisartsenpost if none was recommended.

Tip The huisartsenpost doubles as a layer for triage purposes. So if you do in fact need to visit the emergency room at the hospital, they will refer you there, which is not only the proper chain to follow, but it also saves your insurance’s deductible “eigen risico” as it won’t be affected if you are referred.

In the cases where you need to head to the emergency department at a hospital directly and immediately, a full list of all hospital locations throughout the Netherlands is available via You can search the list for the nearest hospital location based on your zip code or province.

Emergency Dental Services

Similar to medical emergencies, always consult with your dentist’s website or staff for recommended weekend hours or locations if available.
Additionally, Speed Tandarts offers a comprehensive list of emergency dentists based on your province.

Emergency Pharmacy Services

You lucked out and received a timely treatment after business hours or on the weekend, but the question is, what if you need some prescription painkillers or antibiotics, and your pharmacy isn’t open until Monday? Since prescription drugs can only be prescribed by doctors in the Netherlands, then the office you visited should’ve got you covered by sending your info to an available pharmacy.

You can also visit for a full list of pharmacies near you with their opening hours, which includes listings of pharmacies open on weekends and with late hours.

Emergency Animal Services

The welfare of your furry friend also matters, therefore “dierenambulance ” or animal ambulance is an emergency service to keep in mind when reaching your vet is not possible. Each city offers its own dierenambulance service, which the Federation of Animal Ambulances Netherlands (FDN) lists through their website based on region.

Tip Always check the ambulance service website for a list of prices and services they provide. Some listed agencies offer city-based services like rescuing wild animals or informational material regarding local wildlife.

Suicide Prevention Line

If you or someone close to you are thinking about suicide, please call the suicide prevention line at 113. The line is available 24/7 and may be contacted anonymously.

Alcoholics Anonymous Netherlands (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international support group organization in which individuals share their experiences and strength in which they face and recover from alcoholism. In the Netherlands, you can contact AA by calling +31 20 625 60 57 or visiting the AA Netherlands website directly.

Domestic Violence Reporting

Are you experiencing domestic violence or have you witnessed incidents of abuse of children or the elderly? For non-emergency reporting, you can file a report by calling the 24/7 line at 0800 2000 or chat anonymously with a specialist through the Veiligthuis website between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Children between the ages of 8 and 18 in the Netherlands can call the Childline “De Kindertelefoon” by dialing 0800 0432 or chatting with them online through their website.
The conversations and the advice provided can cover anything and everything in the child’s life: from emotional health, problems with friends or parents, being bullied at school, or even simply discussing a difficult test that’s coming up at school.

Fraud Reporting

Fraud Helpdesk

The Fraud Helpdesk is designed to help in the case of any type of fraud. Essentially, they provide you with the information needed to complete any required forms through the proper channels, whether you need to escalate to the police or the Office of Identity Data. More importantly, the website displays active fraud warnings so you’re well-informed and aware of current scams. You can reach the Fraud Helpdesk by calling 088 786 7372 or directly through their website.

Healthcare Fraud

In order to combat fraud in the healthcare sector, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA) created an online patients’ portal where you can report incidents where you believe you’re being incorrectly charged by a healthcare provider or waiting too long for a healthcare service

Personal Identity Fraud

Did you notice that someone is impersonating you on a social media profile? Is someone mishandling a copy of your ID for unauthorized use? Then you need to file an online claim with the National Office for Identity Data (RvIG).

Government Agencies & Services

The Public Information Service, Government of the Netherlands

Although the Dutch Government website is loaded with useful information from every corner possible of all types of government agencies, sometimes a specific question occurs that only an expert can help you with. You can also call 1400 between 8 a.m to 8 p.m, Monday through Friday to speak to someone at the Public Information Service.

Additionally, through MijnOverheid you can view and receive messages from the Dutch government and review your own personal data with them.

Municipal Services

You got married outside the Netherlands and you want to know what to submit to your local government. Perhaps you have a quick question for your municipality but you’re not sure if you need an appointment at your local municipality office to discuss it. Our recommendation is to always check your municipality’s website first, because more than likely, the process you’re seeking is explained in detail there or can be done online using your DigID

Not sure what your municipality is and would like to contact them? The solution is simple, head over to Zoekplaats and enter your zip code for a full list of municipal information based on where you live.

Foreign Embassies & Consulates

Expat affairs are many, and sometimes you’ll need some legal documents or consultation from your country’s embassy in the Netherlands. For Dutchies abroad, the case is similar, and luckily the Dutch government website created an online directory of all embassies and consulates in the Netherlands as well as Dutch embassies worldwide.

Tip Another great one-stop-shop for internationals in the Netherlands is Netherlands Worldwide. You can cruise this handy website for any travel-related information. From how to ship your car to the Netherlands to current travel advice, it’s all there.

Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets

If you’re in the Netherlands, then you’re a consumer of the Dutch market. Therefore, you need to be aware of the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) office and its services.
This agency offers ample information to the consumers in the Dutch market regarding their rights, obligations, and how to handle different situations they encounter all through their website.
You may also contact them directly by calling 070 756 86 11.

Tip The ACM created a reservoir for helpful sample letters which can be used by you as a consumer when communicating with Dutch businesses and agencies. Make sure to check those out.

We hope this list better equips you with the information needed in different cases of emergency during your stay in the Netherlands. Remember that being well prepared can save your life and that those around you, be safe, Jimble loves you.


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